Barringtonia Asiatica, Ozean Gift Mangrove, Sea Poison Tree

Namen: Barringtonia Asiatica, Ozean Gift Mangrove, Sea Poison Tree, Langasat, Fish Poison Tree, Putat Laut, Butun, Butong, Pertun, Balubiton, Lugo, Motong-botong, Vuton

Abteilung Bedecktsamer (Magnoliophyta)
Klasse Dicotyledoneae (Zweikeimblättrige)
Familie Barringtoniaceae
Gattung Barringtonia
Art Asiatica

weitere Informationen: -> Arten

Zwei Samen hatte Andrea aus Thailand mitgebracht.

23.10.2006 Tag 0Tag 0
1. Samen ist nach Befreiung aus der „Reisehülle“ in Seramis gekeimt. 2. Samen evtl. kurz davor.
27.10.2006 Tag 4
30.10.2006 Tag 7
31.10.2006 Tag 7Tag 7
02.11.2006 Tag ?Tag ?
04.11.2006 Tag ?
06.11.2006 Tag ?Tag ?Tag ?Tag ?Tag ?
Der zweite Samen ist gekeimt.
09.11.2006 Tag ?Tag ?
10.11.2006 Tag ?
15.11.2006 Tag ?Tag ?
17.11.2006 Tag ?Tag ?
20.11.2006 Tag ?
11.12.2006 Tag ?Tag ?
05.05.2007 Tag ?
Beide Pflanzen wachsen zur Zeit nicht allzu schnell – wahrscheinlich durch den Umzug in das Schlammbecken.

6 Gedanken zu „Barringtonia Asiatica, Ozean Gift Mangrove, Sea Poison Tree

  1. Pingback: Caracasa - You may say I’m a dreamer » Neues Aquarium … mal wieder

  2. Dr.Hafsah Jaafar

    Dear Dr. ,

    Your seedling development was most interesting for me. I am just starting to study Barringtonia sps.Malaysia has several species and we are going to work on this project as an academic exercise.

    dr hafsah

  3. Pieter

    Your Barringtonia Seeding development is very interesting!
    I brought back some seeds from Thailand as well because I’m in love with the tree.
    You are the only Barringtonia seeding I found on the web, your instructions can be very useful!
    Can you please share with me the seeding conditions?
    Like the position, temperature, watering etc?
    Love hearing from you.

    Kind Regards, Pieter

  4. Christian Beitragsautor

    Dear Pieter, Thanks for you questions. Unfortunately those seed are no longer alive and well. One of many german winters since 2007 were the end of this project. f.e. I have moved since.

    I will have a look in my photo-archives if I have a picture of the height in the end.

    To be honest I really would like to select my next holiday location in a way I can collect some seeds on the beach. This time I would invest in better conditions for the plants in regard to humidity and constant temperature around the year.

  5. Pieter

    Dear Christian,
    A shame to hear that your plants didn’t make it. I trip to Thailand sounds like an good idea.

    I have two squire fruits of the barrinttonia laying around. I would really appreciate it if you can help me with getting started with the things you learned so far. Like how to position the fruit in the soil, watering habits etc.

    Kind Regards, Pieter

  6. Christian Beitragsautor

    Hi Pieter,

    if you have not yet started this is what I did back in the day:
    I buried the dry fruit (with some damage an small holes from lying at the beach for some time) in slightly wet expanded clay (ger: Blähton, Seramis) and switched to big-grained sand with a foundation of organic mud (from a local lake).

    Good luck!

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